Sunday, June 12, 2011

Grandfather Victorino Sánchez Isidro
He was born december 30, 1947 in Martinez de la Torre, Veracruz, his parents were Victorino and Cosme Isidro Sánchez Parra.
 He was a child of humble origin very early age lost their mother during his childhood he lived with different relatives finish primary school. Throughout her life was self-taught.
 Being very young, got a job as an assistant printer, he learned the trade and eventually managed to have his own press, being recognized by their fellow workers as the best printer in its place of origin. That memorandum was played for over 30 years.
 At 28, he married Judith Sánchez Quevedo, marriage that lasted seven years and which had 4 daughters.
 In 1981, it changed their work by the Insurance Agent, office he held until 2006, during her life like altruism and was a member of Lions Club, an activity that used to help people in need.
On February 13, 2011 at age 65 died in the city of Xalapa, for various complications of diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. Luis Enrique, hola, mi nombre es Jessica. Yo conocí a tu abuelo Victorino más o menos a finales de los 80s. Siento mucho oír que ya no está con nosotros. Era un buen hombre. Estoy buscando ahora a sus hijas... Cuál de ellas es tu madre? Tal vez ellas me recuerden, tal vez no. Yo, junto con mis hermanos, Samantha y Daniel, éramos buenos amigos de ellos.
    Si se pudiera alguien comunicar conmigo, lo agradecería infinitamente.
    Mi email es
